Losing time
What’s the definition of ‘losing time’ ? In South America, they have this saying : “el que se apura pierde el tiempo”. Which means ; he who’s in a rush is losing time. Which makes a lot of sense. Moving slowly, intentionally, with consistency, is the most efficient way to get from point A to point B. Like the turtle and the fox tale. Losing time is like losing energy. Going in the wrong direction because you didn’t know where you were going in the first place. I think that I’ve lost a lot of time because I was in a rush to do it all, wanting to go in 10 different directions all together. And life stopped me so that I could come back to the essentials and reevaluate my path. And it’s fucking scary. But time is relative after all. And getting lost, making mistakes, is also part of the path moving forward. Just don’t lose anymore time now. Be clear about where you’re headed. And be consistent about getting there.